Exante Investor League
2020-01-13 17:05

Beat the January blues by showing off your trading skills and bagging yourself a cash prize and an internship in the City worth £3500!

By Joseff Evans, Warwick Trading Society

Hello all aspiring traders,

It’s that time of year again when it seems almost everyone is making resolutions and commitments for the New Year (many of which will surely be doomed to end in failure!). However, I wanted to tell you all about something brilliant and worthwhile you can get involved in this January! And, it will be one resolution that will be super-easy to keep!

On the 20th January, the second EXANTE Investor League will begin, where students from university societies around the UK and beyond will compete using EXANTE’s virtual trading platform until the end of the month. It is completely free to sign-up, and you can win prizes, including cash of up to £150, if you are one of the top-performing traders in the contest! This League is very exciting, because you will be able to trade the massively diverse range of CME-group instruments, such as options and futures in commodities and stocks. What I really like is that the platform is also easy to use, and there are even live prices, which is a big plus.

The first League took place in autumn last year, in which students traded in American stocks, and it was a really successful event. Students from around a dozen universities around the UK and further afield took part. It is great to be able to compete in a friendly environment against both your friends form your own university but also against other aspiring traders around the country. At Warwick, around 50 students took part, and it was great to try and outperform your peers! It is always great, at the end when you see the results, when you do well (or at least you didn’t finish last!).

The Leagues are a brilliant opportunity for any student interested in finance, and particularly trading or investment management. Whether you are just interested in trading as a hobby, as a career, or have no previous experience of trading, the EXANTE Investor League is perfect for you! You can experiment with strategies and tactics without putting any real money at risk and, in fact, you could even end up with more money in your pocket than you started with, if you are a top performer and wins the prizes! I first became interested in trading and investing after participating in a contest a little like this several years ago. I would advise anyone new to trading, who may be a little hesitant or anxious, to take part and give it a go! You will probably really enjoy it, plus practising trading is probably the best way to learn more about it and become better.

There are a number of useful resources to help you during the competition. Check out the EXANTE’s Investor League Facebook page to stay up to date with the League. I also suggest you take a look at Amplify Trading’s YouTube channel, with new videos uploaded weekly, where you can find the latest market tips and news.

I really hope you will join us in taking part in the EXANTE Investor League!

Happy trading!